Leading Long Island Real Estate Developer Chooses The Oce PlotWave 365 Over The Kip 7170

Long Island Large Format Printers

Leading Long Island Real Estate Developer Chooses The Oce PlotWave 365 Over The Kip 7170

kip or oce
After long consideration, this leading Long Island real estate developer chose the Oce Plotwave 365 over the Kip 7170 (current model) wide format printer.  There were several main components which brought forth the decision.  The first was support.  This buyer felt abandoned after the Kip 7100 sale, they had issues from the beginning and only at the end of the lease when this dealer thought they were losing the sale and account did they invest the time to realize it could have performed the accounting function the buyer longed for the past 5 years.  A combined dealer and manufacturer support is critical when deciding which system is best for you.

The 2nd important consideration was that the Oce Plotwave 365 could produce over 20 pages of output before the Kip even began printing pages.  Oce requires no warm-up time and most of this buyer’s print page size is about 10, so the difference in productivity is night and day.  Manufacturer specification and sales rep rhetoric can be misleading, listen to everyone and find the trusted experts in the industry.  There were about 5 main functionality differences between the 2 models (365 and 7170) including the Kip had 500% more scheduled maintenance than the Oce  that also tipped the scales.

The 3rd, was dedication to 1 industry.  The buyer felt that the dealer who had the equipment in there was too diversified for their ability to support them.  Choose a professional team with many years of dedicated experience.

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Oce's closed toner System Is cleaner for the machine and the end users compared to Kip's toner system.

Oce’s Closed Toner System Is cleaner for the machine and the end users compared to Kip’s toner system.



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