Your brand communicates your values, offerings, promises, experiences, and culture to your active and prospective customers. A brand isn’t just a logo, or product packaging, or even an advertisement. It’s not your company culture, or how you’re impacting the world, or your unique story. Your branding is all of those things combined. Branding persuades customers…
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A wrapped company vehicle is a great way to get your brand on the road. Get up to 50,000 views a day while drivers are simply doing their work. Full Wraps, Partial Wraps, Spot Vehicle Graphics, Photo Quality Graphics and Professional Design. Long Island Fleet Wraps are an excellent advertising medium for any size company.…
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Industry News: Kip has introduced the new KIP 600 Series Kip 650 printer, Kip 660 MFP Full color toner based MFP featuring their new CCT technology. At 360 prints per hour (6 per minute), KIP has opened a new market in color output. It’s the first in it’s segment. It features a smaller footprint and…
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TIf you’re an architect or engineer or contractor, you know technical drawings are part of the daily routine. Printing, copying and scanning these drawings can be an expensive part of the process. For that reason, I wrote this e-paper to illustrate ways to save time and money wherever possible without sacrificing quality. TIP # 1…
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Canon has three lines of printers and MFP’s that are taking over the color wide format market. As print volumes decrease, the color inkjet market grows. Achromatic print engines are slowly going away. If you can see color on the screen, why would you want colorless prints. Don’t worry about cost and reliability either. Color…
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Graphic designers need professional images. It’s the cornerstone to their excellent reputation. They need a reliable source for choosing the best system matchup and leading trained experts to support them in times of need. With the thousands of variables end users face, the Canon imageproGRAF 2000, 4000 & 6000 is a simple to use workhorse…
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Wide Format Printers, Large format Printers, & Scanners. Ink, Toner, Pearls, Gel, Memjet and more! Things are about to get interesting in the latest model equipment making their way to your design departments. Trust a regional expert to help decide whats the exact best solution for your uses and applications. Call Larry Farrell 631 467…
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Islandia Print Room located at 1930 Veterans Memorial Highway is located just a block from the Walmart Islandia Shopping Center. Simply email your files to pca205@boxesnbytes Jacobson supplies bioidentical hormone therapy, nutritional help, vitamin and herbal therapies with the treatment of hormone imbalance viagra cheap price which includes menopause, perimenopause, adrenal fatigue and thyroid…
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