Do You Know Your Organization’s Printing & Copying Costs?

Long Island Large Format Printers

Do You Know Your Organization’s Printing & Copying Costs?

  • Many firms aren’t aware of how much they’re spending on their printing and copying.  What’s even more alarming is that printing is typically the third largest operating expense. When a print environment isn’t managed, it can lead to out of control printing costs.  Overages and excessive copy clicks can add up quickly and effect the firm’s bottom line.
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A Typical employee prints thousands of pages each year with an average annual cost of up to $1,000.

  • This business expense can add up quickly.  Usage restrictions and defaulting to monochrome print as well as double side printing is a good start for creating cost savings. 
  • Track who’s printing what; See how many pages are being printed by who, what and when.

Today’s document software management can do wonders for reducing costs.

  • Change user behavior: Encourage duplex output, discourage email printing and be friendly to the environment.
  • Assign quotas or budgets; Allocate fixed quotas or budgets to your users, departments, or groups.
  • Increase document security: Track the origin or archive content using digital signatures & watermarking.
  • Deploy print queues: Get the right print queues to the right person in the right location, automatically

Many organizations don’t require formal approval for the purchase of laser toner cartridges. 

  • Managed print planning is the newest way for firms to save on print costs.  Simple software can help determine who-what-were-when and why of document imaging.

Print Quality Issues are the number one cause for IT related issues with copiers & printers.

  • IT departments can be inundated with calls for print quality and simple mechanical failure.  Many of these calls can be quickly handled by managed print services providers. 

About Larry Farrell: For 30 years, I’ve helped my clients create lower operating cost plans and improved service coverage.  Choosing the right equipment along with the best service providers is the difference for helping your bottom line.  Let me show you how I can help your firm.  Call me directly 631-467-3131 or e-mail me:  Connect with me on LinkedIn too!

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