Oce Plotwave 345 Beats Kip 7170 Again With Better Grey-Scales And Output Quality.

Long Island Large Format Printers

Oce Plotwave 345 Beats Kip 7170 Again With Better Grey-Scales And Output Quality.

kip vs oce output comparison

Oce PlotWave 345/365 vs. Kip 7170

No one buys a wide format printer just to take up space. Output is the primary function and in this case, Oce’s image quality crushed the Kip 7170. This client works with estimates that have poor quality images, but they need to see the details in the images or mistakes will happen. Both the Kip dealer and I produced documents from the client’s file. As you can see from the photo, there is no comparison. Oce’s Image Logic and Radiant Fusing is what makes the difference. If you have image samples, email them to me and I will be happy to print them for your own comparison.

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