Technical Wide Format Printers – Canon vs. Epson vs. Hewlett Packard vs. Kip vs. Oce vs. Ricoh vs. Xerox

Long Island Large Format Printers

Technical Wide Format Printers – Canon vs. Epson vs. Hewlett Packard vs. Kip vs. Oce vs. Ricoh vs. Xerox

Let’s face it, all the companies listed in the subject title of this post are excellent worldwide competitors.  All of them are worth billions of dollars and one person’s opinion of them doesn’t negate their awesome positions in the corporate world.  Having said that, the answer is more locally driven.  Know how to choose which of the brands might be better for your design department would be narrowed down to the local support of that system.

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Applications, volumes, budgets, fill of design, functionality and the size of your staff are only the beginning questions you must ask.  Reliability cost per print, service contracts and financing options are all simple yet confusing parts of the decision making process.

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