Widen Your Perspective™ With 21st Century Copy, Print & Scan Solutions

Long Island Large Format Printers

Widen Your Perspective™ With 21st Century Copy, Print & Scan Solutions

Widen Your Perspective 1Blueprint Equipment was invented in 1842 (19th Century) by John Herschel. This photo was taken of land surveyors inspecting their blueprints in Park Slope, Brooklyn in 1865. The Diazo printers came along in the 1940’s (20th Century). Pen Plotters came in the 1980’s and the digital wide format printers which could digitally produce Xerographic black lines came along in the 1990’s. Just 20 years later, today’s equipment (21st Century) represents a whole new line of efficient solutions.

If your firm is struggling with their design drawing output, be rest assured that today’s Wide Format Copy, Print & Scan Solutions are amazingly different than even just 10 years ago.

Color appropriate output is leading the way, manufacturers are making it easier and easier for all sized firms to bring 21st century tools to the design firms.

Minimize Mistakes with the best equipment.

This 2nd photo taken in May 2017 (21st Century) at Citifield shows how useful surveying equipment is.  They measured every part of the infield as well as the pitching mound.  Who knew how much measuring goes into every game?
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land surveying a baseball fieldTalk to a professional that’s dedicated to wide format printing full time! Finding the right team to support yours is the most critical element in choosing a new system.

Widen Your Perspective™ It’s The Blueprint Of Success.



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